Susan or Suno Clark:
Born in Anchorage, AK, but raised mostly in Western WA. The natural world is my inspiration as all of creation points to a beauty, sometime horrible beauty; evidence of intelligent design. I believe this world is parallel to a spiritual one and that we interact on not just the physical, but also spiritual level with everything around us. My work uses nature to tell my story.
Fostering connection is a driving force behind most of my art; as a way to remind us that we are not alone. I want to physically move the viewer, to lean in to inspect detail, to reach out and touch, to change the artwork, to find its secrets. Our stories are shared through touch and relationship, and we can truly see the world only when we interact with it in some way.
I use embroidery, raised acrylic and mixed media to entice touching. It is the invitation to connect that is paramount because even though different beliefs and locations could dehumanize us from one another, choosing to reach out and engage with something takes a bit of bravery. And you, viewer, are brave.
Find me in print here: